With God’s Grace

Greetings in the Name of the Lord!

     We must begin with Praise! We are so thankful for all your prayers for the last couple of months. We had been experiencing a strong spiritual attack and when we cried out for prayer, you prayed.
Keith and I took a one month trip to the States to ask for prayer for SoG. The spiritual attacks were strong and we needed help. We were ministered to by our church family, our families and especially our little granddaughter, Leanna. She was ten months old when we spent a month with her and we enjoyed our sweet bonding time, probably the most healing of all. We miss her a lot.
Please continue to pray with us against the enemy. He doesn’t rest.
On our return we came with a group of people from our sending church, First Baptist Church Wilmer. We are so grateful and blessed from that time we had with them. They also began building a hut for us to live in. We will be turning our house over to the ministry to be used for offices and teams and we will be moving into three huts (made from concrete with metal roofs—not mud).I (Lisa) have now finished the proposal to the Government asking for permission to operate a Pilot School using a Christian curriculum with the intent to implement it in all schools. Now all of you know that with God, ALL things are possible. We know that God’s will is for the children to know Him. Please join us in prayer that the Lord will grant favor in the Government for this to happen in His Name.
Clayton has a big job ahead of him right now. He is reorganizing the structure of our Human resources. We have grown large and there needs to be some readjustments. Please pray for him as he focuses on how best to realign everyone to serve the Lord more efficiently.
The son of one of our employees has had a problem for many years with stealing. His father asked us to help him by paying for his school fees to go to a Vo-tech school. Keith felt that he should work for the money and so he established strict rules for the boy to never be allowed near the homes and to be searched when he leaves the compound. All went well for a while and he went to school and came back and worked again then went back to school, but then a couple of weeks ago he showed up here at SoG and somehow made it into our house and stole $750 out of my purse in a matter of minutes. Keith came upon him but did not realize that he had stolen the money. I discovered it later and by then this boy was long gone. Just a few days ago he was arrested in Jinja. He had spent all the money and unless we paid to have him transported to Gulu, they would have to release him on bail. So we paid another $100 to have him brought back to Gulu. Imagine that. Please pray for him and for us as we deal with this sensitive issue.
Also, a few weeks ago we were blessed with a visit from President Museveni’s son, Muhozi Keinerugaba who is a colonel in the army. I was introduced to him in Gulu Town by our LC5, Norbert Mao. He decided to bring the Colonel out to see where we are and hear what we are doing. He arrived with an entourage of three army trucks full of soldiers who scattered across the compound upon arrival. This caused a big stir in the village. The rumor was that Keith was involved somehow in a secret mission with the Uganda army. The Colonel was quite impressed with the ministry and our work for the Education in Uganda.Our little Mavis is now doing so much better!! There were several of you who donated to help her and her family. They are so grateful to you because she would have died. Please continue to pray for her. She is still having trouble walking. During all of her problems with her kidneys and the massive swelling of her body, she was not able to walk. Although the swelling is down some and her kidneys are now functioning better, she is still weak and will not walk yet.

This picture was take when Mavis was in the hospital-she was very swollen.

Future plans for SoG:
• The SoG Christian Academy still needs three more wings to complete the school.
• Electricity/generator is a critical need. We operate the whole compound on a 4.5K generator. To run electricity will cost $14,000 and a 15K generator will cost $15,000.
• We are expanding our discipleship programs.
• We will be operating pilot schools for the new education system.
• We have been offered the use of a building in Gulu Town that was originally built for a Library. We plan to use it for a Christian Library including reading and Bible programs for discipleship and open a coffee shop to sustain itself and the Library.
Please pray with us as we move forward in God’s Kingdom building work. Pray for our staff: Clayton, Alex, Vincent, George, and all the rest. We could not function without them.
Jonathan and Elisha are doing well in school. They are a huge blessing to us and the Ministry as they serve in teaching Sunday School and youth outreach. Please pray for them.
We will close this update for now so that you can read in all in one sitting!
We love and appreciate all of you!!

Hannah Lovejoy

Writer at Authorweblog.com
Hannah is a hard working and passionate person, who's dedicated to helping people improve their lives.

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